Questions and Answers

Writers are often asked questions – about their writing or their life in connection to their writing. I thought that I would answer a few of them here. Please check back to this page from time to time as I will answer one or two new questions every few months and put the ones already here into an archive.

Susan sitting on steps

When did you first know you wanted to become a writer?

When did you first know you wanted to become a writer?

In probably one of the strangest places you can imagine – the top bunk of a youth hostel in 1972. I am somewhat psychic and through my life I have had a few instances where some kind of other worldly connection has happened to me. In those moments there is a certainty about something important. I know the vision I have just had in my head is going to be true even if all reason, and everyone I know, tries to tell me it is not possible.

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What made you decide to become a writer?

What made you decide to become a writer?

I believe I was born a writer, born to use my words to help this world in some small way. I just did not see it for many years. As you can see from my experience in the youth hostel, I think at that defining moment I realized I actually was a writer already. It was so clear and obvious I did not know how I could have missed it.

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